Sabtu, 25 Februari 2012


As mentioned before, 
I love Classic.

and as we know, Vintage is Classic (and vintage dress mostly use Lace as application or main fabric..)

then, for my blog visual, i use Vintage Style to support my Classic taste :p

nah, waktu sibuk2nya ngedesign blog,
accidentally... I found blanca's Blog : ""!
she is sharing FREE cute Vintage Image for Everyone... (senangnyaaaa...)

then, i use some of her collection to decorate my Blog. Thanks Blanca!!
another Blanca's collection.. cutee...


Kamis, 23 Februari 2012

My Farewell Gift :), Thankss!!

Farewell Gift?

Yup, Last week i just resigned from TOYOTA, No. 1 Automaker in Indonesia :)
(Still proud of it ;p)

yup, i decide to chasing up my dreams, 
  Running with My passion,
    and playing with my beloved daughters all day :)

but anyway...
pasti sedih meninggalkan perusahaan yang selama 3 tahun terakhir menjadi Rumah ke-duamu.
apalagi, teman2 yang GOKIL, LUCU, KACAU, tapi PINTER dan UNYU ;p

temen2 Accessories departement dan sekitarnya (sekitarnya disni: pacar, atau ex-Acc yang sudah pindah ketempat lain.)
banyak cerita bersama mereka.. kapan2 aku share deh :).. karena memang unforgetable!!.

nah Hari ini rencananya mau ambil farewell gift dr mereka.......... MESIN JAHIT!!
(by request,.. thenkyuu)
Tetep nggak bisa lepas dari Toyota :p
Emang, nggak bisa lepas dari toyota, mobil Toyota, mesin jahitpun mereknya Toyota :p..

trus, sebagai ucapan terima kasih yang amat sangat buat mereka..mau kirim cupcakes lucu dari ririn cake (yang mau no. contactnya bisa japri yah).. kuenya lucu.. ceritanya pengen kasih kue yang aku banget, pake warna vintage, trus berhubungan sama design+jahit.. and..... Jejereeenggg, Inilah hasilnyaa :

Lucuuuuu :) (lihat ada aku ditengah pake kerudung :p)

Semoga pada suka yaaa teman2 :)..
once more,
I love you all, I DO!


Indonesia Fashion Week!

Hari ini hari ke-2 Indonesia Fashion Week 2012!

dapet tiket untuk lihat shownya Irna Mutiara dan Kawan2 (belajar dari yang senior yuk! :))
ntar mau lihat bareng adek+Etha :)

Etha, calon adek ipar, hijabers yang gaul dan cakep, bisa cek blognya :

hm.. pake baju apa ya :) ..
i'm thinking to be classic (as usual), with masculine color (dark blue).

love this color combination
Ntar Abis acara, tak posting foto full dressnya oke :)

C u IFW 2012 :)


First Touch.

Hi Everyone,...

I'm Ayu Dyah Andari.

This is my first touch.
Touch for sharing my story, story of my Lovemy Life, and Lace.

My Love,
Absolutely my small family. My Knight with two beloved pretty angels (Yup, I am a happy mom with two daughters :p)

My Life,
Just a juicy story about how i deal with life and my activity as hommypreneur :p..

is represent about how i'm dancing with my passion....making a beautiful dress for beautiful you.

Lace? why Lace? why not ribbon, fabric, needle, any other materials ?
It represents myself with only two words...."Classic and "Detail"

"Classic" is how I look to my self... my character of design and off course  "Detail" is how I make every things perfect...same as a perfect dress that make you smile by looking at it, feel it and finally wear it

ok then,
thats it :)

c u on my other touch :)

With Love,